- yOUR custom baby registry service -

Ready to become the most prepared

and confident new parent in your circle?

(4 Slots Available)

Baby prep taking over your life?

Feels that way, right? Let's talk ...

DOES ANY OF This click with you ... ?

  • Baby prep is your new 24/7.

  • You're exhausted and thinking "There has to be a better way!"

  • You're drowning in ads and useless "advice"?

  • You find yourself wishing for a shortcut to real answers (without the endless Googling)?

  • The process is starting to spiral out of your control.

... 👀 Lean in, mama. I have to tell you something ...

a woman about to look up her baby registry in  coffee shop

YES, I scroll through influencer baby content.

(It's a guilty pleasure. 🤫)

But ... here's a little secret:

The influencers, the bloggers, the registry platforms

- they don't actually work for you.

we do...

and the first time parents we work with are having success.

(but what about the others, you ask?)

A woman sitting at her desk scrolling through her baby registry on her i-mac computer


Many first time parents don't realize all the work that goes into a baby registry

Then it starts to pile up, at the worst time.

Somewhere among the click bait and banner ads, you realize (ding) ...


A pregnant woman relaxes in an arm chair while her dog lays at her feet.

"We deserve better."

Yup, that's what I decided, too.

I couldn’t find what I needed, so I reached out to other parents to get real about baby prep struggles ...


The real scoop on baby gear, minus the non-stop ads and sponsored content. Just straight facts, no fluff.

A better baby registry in less time. We're talking hours, not weeks or months.

Not having to do a bunch of shopping after baby arrived.

A Great Game Plan does that ... exactly.

A pregnant woman stands relaxed on a pier.

A Game Plan kicks hassle to the curb, starting now. ✌️

→ Exhausted by baby gear research?

It streamlines the whole process, giving you a clear plan with expert picks tailored just for you. Say goodbye to endless research rabbit holes!

→ Stressed about getting it all done in time?

Imagine having a major head start. No more guessing games or forgotten essentials. Stress less, prep smarter.

(Believe me, editing is way more fun.)

→ Want to have a plan you're confident in?

A good plan filters out the extra fluff and zooms in on what's really going to matter for you and your growing crew.

- but you discover the true power of a game plan ...

Find Out Your Registry Essentials

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Start with a Complete Registry

Your Paragraph text goes Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae. here


Have a Game Plan for Year One

Your Paragraph text goes Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae. here

... when it truly matters

A smoother transition, less stress, more quality time.

Those first weeks and months are precious.

It goes by so dang fast - okay, deep breath (hoo), I get emotional here.

A swaddled newborn baby yawns.

Every parent needs a plan.

Happy parents hold their baby while sitting at an outdoor party.

As a stay-at-home mom, her days are a non-stop carousel of diaper changes, bottle prep, and longing looks at her unmade bed (napping when the baby naps? Yeah, right). But here's the kicker: with the right gear and a solid game plan, she's cracked the code from overwhelm to 'I've got this.'

The career-driven new mom, she's got a demanding job, a newborn, and a to-do list that never ends. Sleep? That's cute. But here's the secret weapon: with the right baby gear strategy, she's like a CEO of her home life.

Meet the new work-from-home parents, pros at switching between conference calls and cuddle time. With a smart baby gear setup, they've turned their space into command central. Everything's within reach, letting them seamlessly blend career and parenting. It's not always perfect, but with the right strategy, they're nailing those productive work sprints and still catching plenty of baby giggles.

Meet the globetrotting parents, turning family trips into an art form. With a smartly curated baby gear collection, they've cracked the code of traveling light but prepared. These savvy adventurers breeze through airports and road trips, their compact yet comprehensive baby essentials always at the ready. It's not always smooth sailing, but their clever prep work means more time for making memories with their tiny travel buddy.

Just like I did, many expectant mothers find themselves wondering:

How do I choose the right gear?

With so many options available, it can be challenging to determine what's truly essential for your baby and your lifestyle.

What about quality and safety?

You want the best for your little one, but navigating safety standards and product reviews takes time.

How can I stay within my budget?

Creating a registry that covers all bases without overspending requires careful planning.

Will everything fit in our home?

Balancing your baby's needs with your living space is a common concern.

How do I prepare for different stages?

Babies grow so quickly – it would be great to plan ahead for future needs.

These are all natural questions to have.

Get Personal, One of a Kind Service

Preparing for a baby is an adventure, and like any adventure, it's always better with a knowledgeable guide by your side.

Imagine having a trusted expert to help you:

Curate the perfect registry tailored to your unique needs and preferences. Save time by cutting through the clutter of conflicting advice. Feel confident in your choices, knowing they're backed by expert knowledge. Create a smart, budget-friendly plan that grows with your baby.

That's exactly what the Baby Gear Game Plan offers. It's like having a best friend who's a baby gear expert, ready to guide you through this exciting journey.

With only 4 slots available each week, we're able to provide personalized attention to each expectant parent. This exclusive service ensures you get the dedicated support you deserve during this special time.

Ready to transform your baby preparation from overwhelming to enjoyable?

[Start Your Baby Gear Game Plan Adventure Today]

The real value is getting your time back for your baby.

Not to mention, the freedom and comfort that comes with having the right gear.


The Baby Gear Game Plan

The Baby Gear Game Plan on multiple device including a desktop computer, a laptop computer, and an ipad.

The Baby Gear Game Plan takes the guesswork out of baby prep.

Get a tailored registry, expert walk-throughs, and weekly support - everything you need to feel confident and ready.

Save yourself the burden of sorting through all the baby internet hype.

This is the escape hatch. You found it. Let's go!


It's time to ditch the advertising

and "influencers" for clarity, peace-of-mind and a plan that is custom built for you according to your priorities.

Nail down your must-haves, crush your registry checklist, and become those super-prepared parents everyone envies.

Simple Steps, Expert Prep

  • Know what YOUR baby gear essentials are - and avoid over buying.

  • Know that the products your selecting meet or exceed safety standards - and gain peace of mind.

  • Send your baby registry out with confidence - knowing it was reviewed by an expert.

  • Escape the stress of managing your baby registry, so you can focus on yourself.

  • Enjoy the ongoing benefits of customized milestone planning, because being ready is better than feeling ready.

A pregnant woman sits in bed looking at her laptop.

When everyone else is scrolling instagram,

you will be confident, ready, and prepared for baby.

What's in the Baby Gear Game Plan?

Part 1

Know Your Essentials Now

We believe a great baby registry accounts for your priorities and your baby's needs. In this quick module we establish the foundation for success by getting to know you and helping you avoid the traps and mistakes parents often make with their baby gear.

At the end of part 1 you'll

  • Have answers to your immediate questions.

  • Have a list of personalized essentials to prioritize on your baby registry.

  • Understand your priorities for your baby gear plan.

A modern nursery with a crib front and center.
An expecting mother relaxes and looks at her iPad.

Part 2

Baby Registry Build Out

Let's face it the most stressful part is just getting your registry done. The baby registry platforms will happily to fill up your registry with a bunch of stuff they want you to have, but that's not helpful.

We build you a custom registry based on your priorities with notes that explain you how our recommendations meet your goals. Then we will walk through it in the review session. Will there be things you want to add or change? Yes, but editing a very thoughtful registry is 1000 times easier than starting from scratch.

At the end of part 2 you'll...

  • Have a custom done-for-you registry that you can build on.

  • Start with a baby registry optimized around your priorities.

  • Gain understanding into expert strategies.

  • Recommendations on notes and greetings for your guest.

  • Confidence to share with an expert review and safety check.

  • A guide to make successfully sharing your registry as easy as it gets.

Part #3

Your Baby Gear Plan

Now that your baby registry is on the screens of your friends and family, we work to make sure that your baby registry stays in good health. We check it weekly to make sure items are available, and note any opportunities or issues. It seems simple, but this part often brings some of the greatest value to our clients.

Finally, the milestone plan is your guide to how gear fits into your plan once baby arrives and the timeline that you will be introducing the items.

At the end of part 3 you'll...

  • Feel confident you made the most of your baby registry.

  • Understand the strategies related to your chosen baby gear.

  • Have a Milestone Plan in hand to understand approximately when certain items will be phased in.

A basket with diapers and burp rags.

The Baby Gear Game Plan gives you a NO-NONSENSE plan taking the guesswork out of preparing for your baby.

So you're only going to spend a couple hours total getting your entire baby gear situation sorted—sounds amazing, right?

Did I mention, you'll get a personalized timeline with our suggested windows for when to send your registry and when to have your baby shower based on your due date?

Yes, and speaking of calendar once you join you will be able to schedule your Baby Essentials Session. We limit available slots, so that we can started ASAP and get your pressing questions answered.

No more late-night panic Googling "do I really need a baby wipe warmer?" (Spoiler: probably not). We've got you covered faster than you can say "where's the diaper cream?"


Be even more prepared with these


Sign up for the Baby Gear Game Plan

FOR A LIMITED TIME get all 3 modules plus

Virtual Car Seat Install Walkthrough with a CPST

Virtual Car Seat Install Walkthrough with a Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST) provides personalized, step-by-step guidance to ensure your car seat is installed correctly and securely.

The Hospital Bag Guide

Our Hospital Bag Guide provides a comprehensive checklist and expert recommendations for packing everything you and your baby will need for a smooth and stress-free hospital stay. From essential documents to comfort items and newborn necessities, this guide ensures you’re fully prepared for the big day.

The Diaper Bag Guide

Our Diaper Bag Guide offers expert advice on packing the perfect diaper bag, ensuring you have all the essentials for any outing with your baby. From diapers and wipes to snacks and toys, this guide helps you stay organized and prepared for every situation, making trips with your little one stress-free and enjoyable.

^^ Yep, I'm loading this up with 3 AMAZING bonuses on top of the core Baby Gear Game Plan. All yours—absolutely free—when you join us today!

Your Personalized Plan

is Waiting For You

Here's how it works:

  • When you sign up, schedule your Baby Essentials Sessions right away.

  • Within 48 hours of the Baby Essentials Session you will receive your essentials checklist.

  • Within 72 hours the Baby Essentials Session you will receive your Done-For-You Baby Registry with notes.

  • You can access the resources on mobile, so you can pull them up anytime. Even when you're out shopping.

An expecting couple look at their laptop.



And we're ready to prove it.

But let's get down to business

Baby clothes on a rack in a store.

The Problem with Most Baby Registry Consultants?

They don't work for you.

Um ... How can I say this? ...

I don't sell baby gear.

I care about those first days, weeks, months with baby.

I'm going to help you build a registry and a plan that will bring you value through the first year.

When you sign up today

you'll unlock the best baby gear planning service:

Know Your Essentials Now

  • Baby Essentials Planning Session to lay the groundwork so we can build on your aspirations.

  • Personalized Essentials Checklist so you know what you need for baby.

  • Registry Timeline with the optimal windows to share your baby registry and to have your baby shower so you can stay on track.


Your Baby Registry Built Out

  • Get A World-Class Baby Registry built around your priorities.

  • Product Notes packed with strategies to illustrate how selections meet your goals.

  • Baby Registry Review Session to ensure your wishlist is flawless and future-ready.

  • Expert Registry Check so you can send out your baby registry with confidence.


Personal Baby Gear Plan

  • Stay on track effortlessly with the Weekly Checkup including email summary, notes, and recommendations.

  • Personalized Registry Notes with strategies tailored to your priorities.

  • Milestone Plan to understand gear transitions as your baby grows.


Plus Bonuses to support your plan and help you to be even more prepared

  • Virtual Car Seat Install Walkthrough with Child Passenger Safety Tech. $59 INCLUDED

  • Hospital Bag Guide $19 INCLUDED

  • Diaper Bag Guide $29 INCLUDED

That's a Total Value of $2,104

Your game plan awaits...


Say goodbye to the stress of baby gear planning.

* Note that bonuses are ONLY available for a limited time.

Hi! We Are the Scotts.

Designers, turned twin parents, turned baby registry experts.

We are expert baby registry consultants, and nerds when it come to anything baby gear. After seeing the difference careful planning made in the midst of the challenges we faced as we welcomed our twins, we became passionate about helping expecting parents smooth the transition into parenthood.

We believe to our core that the stress and overwhelm fueled by the broken system that is today's internet is not a rite of passage for first time parents. We believe that parent's deserve to have a better option. This is a big moment, and parents deserve the best. That's why we spent two years crafting the Baby Gear Game Plan by talking to parents, reviewing products, learning best practices for safety, and exploring the best strategies for baby gear in the first year. The potential impact is huge.


What exactly is the Baby Gear Game Plan?

The Baby Gear Game Plan is a comprehensive, personalized service that guides expectant parents through the process of selecting, organizing, and preparing baby gear. It includes a done-for-you registry, personalized consultations, ongoing support, and time-saving tools to ensure you're fully prepared for your baby's arrival.

How is this different from other baby registry services?

Unlike typical registry services, we offer personalized, expert guidance throughout your journey. We don't just provide a list; we offer tailored advice, ongoing support, and hands-on sessions to ensure you're confident and prepared.

How many consultation sessions are included?

The Baby Gear Game Plan includes three main consultation sessions: Baby Essentials Planning Session Baby Registry Review Session Ready for Baby Session (optional but recommended).

How long does the entire process take?

The initial registry is completed within 72 hours of your Baby Essentials Planning Session. The entire Game Plan supports you throughout your pregnancy and into the early stages of parenthood.

Can I use my preferred registry platform?

Yes! We work with your chosen registry platform to ensure you can take advantage of any specific benefits or discounts offered.

Is this only for first-time parents?

Yes, The Baby Gear Game Plan is designed specifically for first time parents, experienced parents often find our up-to-date expertise and personalized approach helpful through the Baby Gear Chat, our flexible consultation service.

What if I'm having twins or multiples?

Our Game Plan is customizable for all family situations, including multiples. We'll adjust our recommendations and support to ensure you're prepared for twins or more!

What if I'm not satisfied with the service?

We stand behind our service 100%. If you're not completely satisfied, please let us know and we'll work with you to address any concerns and ensure you feel fully prepared and confident.

How do I get started?

To begin your Baby Gear Game Plan journey, complete the order form through our website. Spots are limited to ensure personalized attention, so we recommend booking early in your pregnancy.

Text: 309-722-1234
