First baby on the way? Test your baby gear knowledge.

A concerned woman looks at symbols of baby items (car seat, high chairs, crib) with dollar signs and two swaddled newborns on a solid color background.

Episode 8 - Conquering Baby Registry Stress - Twin Mom Tells Her Story

May 26, 202430 min read

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Presented by Pabbot and THE BABY GEAR GAME PLAN


In this episode of the BRB Podcast, Kevin and Paris dive into the challenges and strategies for conquering baby registry overwhelm, especially when expecting twins. They share personal experiences, practical tips, and reliable resources to help new parents navigate the often daunting task of preparing for their little ones.

Seeking Advice and Support

Kevin and Paris begin by discussing the importance of seeking advice and support from family and friends. Paris shares her initial reliance on her mom and sister-in-law for guidance, highlighting the generational gap and the realization that some advice can be outdated. Kevin points out that while family and friends can offer valuable insights, their advice may sometimes be vague or based on their unique experiences, which may not always align with your needs.

Finding Reliable Resources

Paris talks about her journey of finding reliable resources beyond family and friends. She initially turned to Pinterest and mommy blogs but soon realized that many of these sources were sponsored and not entirely relatable. Her breakthrough came when she discovered the "Parents of Multiples" subreddit on Reddit, where she found practical advice from parents in similar situations. TikTok also proved helpful, allowing her to see baby products in action and make informed decisions.

Choosing the Right Crib

The discussion moves to the importance of choosing the right crib. Paris shares her experience of discovering mini cribs through TikTok, which significantly impacted their preparation. Mini cribs offered a practical solution for their space and budget constraints, providing a comfortable and safe sleeping arrangement for their twins.

Building a Baby Registry

Kevin and Paris emphasize the importance of building a baby registry that suits your needs and budget. Paris shares her approach to creating a budget-friendly registry, considering the financial capabilities of their friends and family. They highlight the significance of essential items like a travel system (stroller, car seats, and bases) and the stress of finding affordable yet reliable options.

Mini Cribs vs. Pack and Play

Kevin discusses the benefits of mini cribs over pack and play setups, particularly for co-sleeping arrangements. Mini cribs offer a more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing option while adhering to safe sleep recommendations. They also discuss the misconception that double strollers can accommodate two infants, stressing the need for careful research.

Navigating Baby Product Research

The episode covers the challenges of navigating baby product research amidst influencer marketing and biased recommendations. Kevin and Paris advocate for unbiased information sources, such as Reddit communities and peer-reviewed recommendations. They share the importance of realistic research and understanding the difference between sponsored content and genuine advice.

Final Tips for Creating a Baby Registry

Kevin and Paris wrap up the episode with final tips for creating a baby registry. They encourage perseverance and seeking help if needed. Paris suggests combining items to save space and focusing on essential items rather than overbuying. They also discuss the importance of considering the needs and preferences of friends and family who will be purchasing from the registry.

Key Takeaways

  • Seek advice and support from reliable sources but be aware of outdated or vague recommendations.

  • Utilize platforms like Reddit and TikTok for practical, relatable advice from parents in similar situations.

  • Choose the right crib that fits your space and budget needs.

  • Build a budget-friendly baby registry that prioritizes essential items.

  • Be cautious of influencer marketing and seek unbiased information sources.

  • Combine items and focus on essentials to avoid overbuying.

Tune in to this insightful episode for more tips and strategies to conquer baby registry overwhelm and prepare effectively for your new arrivals.


  • 00:14:00 - "A few other twin moms out there who were really helpful in that. I got to actually see some of the products that I had heard about in action."

  • 00:15:00 - "And I do a little more research onto the mini cribs and they were perfect."

  • 00:16:00 - "A mini crib is about the same size, almost exactly as a pack and play."

  • 00:17:00 - "I was trying to constantly find products that combined more than one thing that we needed."

  • 00:18:00 - "Toys are very important for development."

  • 00:19:00 - "When it comes to toys, I think you're following their preferences and their development a little bit more closely."

  • 00:20:00 - "I do think though that something like the lovevery subscription toy kit for the first year is a good idea to put on your registry."

  • 00:21:00 - "We were having two babies and like I said before, we were on a very tight budget."

  • 00:22:00 - "I knew who was going to be attending our baby shower."

  • 00:23:00 - "There wasn't at the time nearly as many options as there are now."

  • 00:24:00 - "If you were having twins, just be aware that just because it's a double stroller does not mean it can accommodate two infants."

  • 00:25:00 - "Understand the difference between Pinterest influencers that have a viewpoint on behalf of a brand."

  • 00:26:00 - "One of the most helpful places was the parents and multiple subreddit on Reddit."

  • 00:27:00 - "Research realistically, understand the difference between Pinterest influencers and real-life twin moms."

  • 00:28:00 - "Sometimes people give advice based on their own baby’s experience."

  • 00:29:00 - "It’s your registry that you are sharing with your friends and family."


Introduction to Building a Baby Registry

Paris: Building a baby registry. It comes at kind of a. Interesting time where there's a lot going on, especially with the woman who is, pregnant.

Kevin: Yeah.

Paris: When you start to think about your baby registry. It is usually right around the time where. Women are they're experiencing a little bit of brain fog and fatigue and not feeling so well having aversions. So it's, not something you.

Really want to start looking at. So a lot of women, they just put it off and. We don't, which makes sense.

It's not something you want to deal with during the first trimester really. But. You really should try. Because once you hit the second trimester and you start feeling, a little bit of Urgency or, excitement where you want to start nesting and doing that. That means your baby [00:01:00] shower is about to be right around the corner. People start with projects and things like that before really starting on their registry.

And then they. Then they realize. That it's a lot more work.

Kevin: Yeah.

Challenges of Starting a Baby Registry

Kevin: I think there's definitely some built in challenges, right? Because you have, like you said, you have the time constraint. Most likely not knowing what you need.

Yeah. Not knowing what things cost. Not knowing what your friends and family are willing to gift. You, like you said, you may not be feeling well. And then you go to the internet. And the marketing's overwhelming and the, all the debates around baby care are so noisy. Yeah. It's amazing to think I go to, the CPST training and that's three solid days of just talking about car seats. And your first time parent you're looking at not just car seats, you never, you would never have three straight days to look at it.

Yeah. But you have to understand all this other baby gear what's it used for when you're going to use it. Is it [00:02:00] safe or not? And how can I afford it? So there's a lot to it.

Paris: Yeah.

Navigating the Overwhelm of Baby Products

Paris: Yeah, what ends up happening a lot of times you look into a product like a car seat. Obviously you look for the best one.

What's. What's the best one out there. You find out, okay, this is great. Okay, I'll go for this one. Oh, it's so expensive. Oh, my gosh, this is out of the price range.

Kevin: In the hopes that we can maybe help.

Personal Experience with Twins

Kevin: Folks overcome some of the baby registry overwhelm I'm going to ask you about what you went through as you were preparing the baby registry, knowing that it might be a little bit different since it did involve twins. Maybe there's some things that came out of that process. That others will find helpful in some tips. And strategies that you can share.

Paris: Yeah, certainly if you're having multiples. This will probably be helpful. For you. Specifically, but yeah, I'm sure that there's things that singletons will also be able to find very helpful as well.

Initial Realizations and Planning

Kevin: What was the [00:03:00] moment that you realize that planning a baby registry was going to be more challenging than you expected.

Paris: The moment that I realized that things were going to be a little bit more challenging, started back in the first trimester towards the beginning of my pregnancy, actually. I found out pretty early on that I was pregnant pretty much as soon as you could find out. Cause I had a lot of symptoms and found out very early. So before I ever went to the doctor and before we, we told people. Or anything? I just got a little antsy and I'm like, okay, I'm going to start looking at some baby things.

So I went on Pinterest. Like one does. And I've just started looking at different nurseries. That's when I got acquainted with the beige baby.

Which I was a little weirded out but I'm like, okay, this is how things. Does the style that people are, going forward, maybe not mine, but

Kevin: Okay.

Paris: [00:04:00] And kinda, Pick it out, some things thinking, okay. What does a baby need most? Of course they need a crib. So I get to looking at cribs that I like, Ooh, I like this one. And.

Put it on my board. Look at it again, look at the price of it.

Over a thousand dollars for a crib. I wasn't prepared for that. So maybe not that crib, maybe that one won't be it. What about. Highchairs, I'm looking at cute highchairs and then wow price shock on that too. Okay. So things are going to be like a little more expensive than I was anticipating for baby items.

I thought that baby items were fairly inexpensive. I didn't know a lot about babies at the time.

So then.

We go to our first doctor's appointment and find out we're having twins.

That was a shock.

[00:05:00] So I thought, oh, there must be some discounts. There must be some things that they have. Available for people who are having twins. Maybe they, Try and make things a little bit easier for them considering you're going to need to have a lot of things. No. That's not the case.

We lived in a one-bedroom apartment at the time. So we're going to need a much bigger apartment. So I don't know where we're going to be living. That's a constraint.

And then. We're going to have two cribs.

We're going to have two high chairs. We're going to have to have pretty much everything. How are we going to be able to afford this?

Kevin: It sounds like you had some ideas of what you needed for one baby. Yes. Then twins threw you for a loop. Yeah.

And what were some of the biggest surprises in terms of what you actually needed?

Researching Baby Products

Paris: I started. Looking at things for twins, like cribs. And high chairs. Bottles. The things that I thought that a baby would [00:06:00] need. And that's when I realized that, okay, things are a lot more expensive than I anticipated. What am I going to have to do?

I'm going to have to find out what a baby needs. All the things that the baby needs.

Kevin: Yeah.

Paris: And then I'm going to find out.

What the beds best products are of each item. Okay. And then figure out how we can afford. Either those items or things that are more, more affordable for two of them. That don't compromise safety or quality.

Kevin: Okay. As

Paris: So that meant that I had to look at almost every product on the market.


Kevin: That's a lot.

Paris: It was a lot, it was a lot. So like looking for cribs. Took weeks, if not months.

Kevin: Yeah.

Paris: And I was so stressed out about it. That was just. Incredibly difficult, incredibly stressful.

Kevin: You trained yourself to be your own registry consultant, [00:07:00] like yes. Instead of just taking some recommendations from Amazon or baby list or friends and family, like you. I did a thorough, deep dive and looked at all the products. Yes. So that basically you became functionally the expert.

Paris: You know what?

I got really lucky that I had actually been so antsy and looked up the, you. The crib and, a few products like before we even went to the doctor very early on. So I got a taste of what the prices were like. Otherwise, I would have just been totally. Not even thinking about it, not worrying about it.

And then, come 20 some weeks when I'm just like, whoa, when I have to make things happen, then I would have run into the problem. And I don't know what I would've done.

Kevin: Yeah,

Paris: but instead I had the entire pregnancy. Until, the baby shower. To look up these things.

From bottles to to [00:08:00] cribs, to highchairs, to, all the baby products, all of them. I had to look at all of these items, find out what the best one is. Find out what's the most affordable one and figure out what would be safe. And not compromise the quality that we were looking for. And also what does the baby actually need?

Where can we cut out the things that you don't really, truly need? I had to find out what a baby needs first. So that meant a lot of researchers just. A lot of research and I know. That you pregnant women out there know what it's like during the first and even the second trimester, especially with multiples that fatigue. That brain fog. Hit me so hard, but I just had to power through it.

Now looking back on it. I'm so glad. I'm so glad. That That happened the way that it did.

Kevin: Yeah.

Paris: We wouldn't be here. Doing this. If it had to have happened like that. If we hadn't have had twins.

Kevin: I [00:09:00] know for my part I never really think about this, usually as you're coming up with these ideas for how to make things work and like these different tactics, like you're always talking to me and sometimes I have no idea, so it's a little bit frustrating. Obviously I was busy with a lot of other things at the time, but I think you were telling me about all these different things and so I'm S I slowly started to absorb it.

And then when the time came. I was just like really fast trying to catch up.

Paris: We tried to utilize everything that we could, as far as strategies. Cause we really didn't have a lot of money to work with.

We didn't, our budget was very slim. So we had to really make things work, figure out what the best way was and plan ahead. That was crucial. And it really, I think that it's it. It's a good thing for everyone to do, regardless if possible.

Kevin: When you're going through all this and it's starting to get stressful and you realizing that there's some unique challenges of having twins other than just double down and studying.

Seeking Advice and Support

Kevin: Who did you turn to for help or [00:10:00] advice?

Paris: So initially I obviously, I turned to my mom. And my sister-in-law

she had two babies.

Kevin: Yeah.

Paris: My mom was helpful. But it had been a long time since she had her own baby. Some of her. Information was a little outdated.

And it took me a minute to realize that, cause I didn't know. Until later, so I know what

Kevin: was current.

Paris: Yeah, she had I had mentioned maybe building. Building a crib or two. Might be a good idea. And she said, oh that would be too difficult because how are you going to make the dropdown side?

Kevin: Yeah.

Paris: And I was like I don't know. How do I make the dropdown side?

So I was, Started to do a little research and realize, oh, you don't do that. That's dangerous. They haven't done it a long time.

I still valued. My mom's

Help and suggestions throughout, but

Kevin: Don't build a crib. No. Just to throw that out there. Don't build the grip. There's a lot more [00:11:00] other than the the dropdown side.

Paris: Yeah. And then. My sister-in-law she had two babies.

By the time, I was. Pregnant, but. Yeah. She was helpful, but , her recommendations or suggestions were a little bit more vague than what I was looking for. Yeah. She was busy. She had a newborn baby at the time.

Kevin: Yeah. Yeah, I think that's something a lot of people will face when they're getting baby advices.

When you're talking to friends and family. There may be some really helpful information there. But a lot of times, I think it's going to be. It's going to be smalltalk. Yeah. And maybe not as as much of a deep dive and background and the level of detail that you really want.

Paris: Yeah.

And honestly, the newborn blur is real. For a lot of people, they just completely black out that entire section of time. When the babies. An infant.

I needed a lot more information.

Finding Reliable Resources

Paris: Of course I turned once again to Pinterest. Which.

Sent me to a lot of [00:12:00] listicles and mommy blogs, which. Gave you illusion of being helpful, but after spending a little bit too much time on one or another and starting to begin to trust them, found out that they were sponsored by Different companies or they were like super religious and, their recommendations were based on their religion or

Kevin: right.

Paris: Different things. Or are they. We're super, super wealthy, and their recommendations were things that were way out of our price range. They were not people who I could

Kevin: Relate to, yeah,

Paris: I

could not relate to them.

And ultimately they ended up being completely unhelpful. And wasted a lot of my time.

Kevin: Yeah.

Paris: So when being frustrated, I would, of course, just lay down for a nap and watch a Romcom and cry a little and. Scroll Reddit. And then as I was scrolling Reddit, I realized, I bet there [00:13:00] is a group for twins out there. There is a group for twins, but that is for like twins.

Kevin: Who people are.


Paris: There is another group, however that is parents of multiples. That is specifically for the parents. Of multiples twins. Triplets quadruplets, et cetera. That's for them.

Kevin: Yeah.

Paris: That is where I found the most help, the most helpful things out there. The best recommendations for products, the best. Insight into life. With twins all ages. Boy, girl twins, identical twins all of all that information, because at the time we didn't know. Yeah. If we were having identical or not. Parents of multiples is where I found the most information from. One other place was TikTok And I happened to stumble upon. A few other [00:14:00] twin moms out there who were really helpful in that. I got to actually see. The, some of the products that I had heard about like in action.

So one of the moms. She had a mini crib and I had never heard of a mini crib before. And it changed.

Kevin: Yeah.

Paris: It changed our life. It was like a revelation. She said that she had her twins in. I believe she had her twins in.

Choosing the Right Crib

Paris: Big cribs. But then she had another set of twins. And I've had to get mini-cribs

Kevin: wow.

Building a Baby Registry

Paris: Building a baby registry. It comes at kind of a. Interesting time where there's a lot going on, especially with the woman who is, pregnant.

And she compared the mattresses and she said, oh yeah, they don't have any problem there. They're like, one years old or whatever, they don't have any problems. I'm sleeping in this crib. And I do a little more research onto. The mini [00:15:00] cribs and. They were perfect. They were. The ones that we ended up settling on it.

I guess the thing with the mini cribs is that it significantly narrowed down the style options.

Kevin: Yeah.

Paris: Which is a little bit disappointing. But I was able to find the ones that I did that were combined. Less cost less than the price of a normal standard size crib. Like a decent one.

Kevin: Yeah.

Paris: That included the mattresses. And that was exactly what we were looking for. Exactly, because you'd be able to fit if you could fit a crib.

Kevin: It's

Paris: somewhere. You can put the too many cribs in there.

Kevin: Yeah.

Paris: So the game changer. Gamechanger completely.

Kevin: And I think, we.

Mini Cribs vs. Pack and Play

Kevin: We talked about this before, but with the mini crib and especially with the safe sleep recommendations, I just think it's such a good go-to when you're trying to co-sleep. For as long as possible. In the same room, never in the same bed is the recommendation.

And I just [00:16:00] think that's so smart to have some sort of mini crib. That they can be in for that full year of the recommendation, or at least until six months in the recommendation is because they're not going to be in the bassinet at six months.


Paris: And you know what? I actually do hear a lot that people. To keep their kids in their room and they just, instead of using a bassinet , they use a pack and play. In their room. A mini crib is about the same size, almost exactly as a pack and play. Except it looks a lot nicer and it's a lot more comfortable for the child.

Kevin: That was actually the first version of heart. Ticktock. Basically returning the favor and showing how these different things. Yeah.

Baby Gear Essentials

Kevin: As far as baby gear, we didn't have a whole lot of conflicts.

I only had in my mind what I knew being an older brother and doing a lot of babysitting as a kid. Everything was very minimal. There were a lot of sort of caretakers available in the household at all times. So we didn't really need like baby gear to like, compensate for that.

A baby was always being held.

They didn't even need a bouncer I was going [00:17:00] into it thinking, oh, all you need is a bottle in the crib.

You didn't even think that we needed as much as what we did.

Paris: No, I was trying to constantly find products that combined more than one thing. That we needed, which I was able to find a lot of, but One thing that I, I think I. Seriously underestimated was.

The Importance of Toys

Paris: Toys.

I didn't think that a baby would need a toy until they were like two years old.

I still don't think that they really should be put on a registry necessarily. Yeah, but like things like teethers or things like the black and white books, the crinkle paper, that kind of thing. Those kinds of things are. Very important for development.

Kevin: Yeah.

Paris: For babies.

Kevin: Why don't you think toys should go on a baby registry?

Just so I understand.

Paris: You need the things that are on your registry. These are. [00:18:00]

Necessities that you absolutely need. And you're. Essentially asking your friends and family. For help purchasing those things. And. You don't need. Toys you do you, you do, but not in the same way that you need. Highchair or bibs or burp rags or a crib, or, Things like that. If they're going to purchase something on your baby registry, you'd much rather have them purchase a bouncer then say a bunch of Montessori toys.

Kevin: I think the same thing, but I have a little bit different point of view as to why. This comes from our experience. With obviously. Toys or something that's gifted probably more than they're like clothes they're gifted a little bit more than your average baby gear.

You'll probably

Paris: end up with some.

Kevin: Books are the same way, which

Paris: is what, honestly, that was what I was in anticipating too about it.

Kevin: We ended [00:19:00] up buying toys even though we had some that were given because when it comes to toys, I think you're following their preferences and their development a little bit more, a little bit more closely.

It's as a parent, you're following this. This, trail of breadcrumbs as far as like where they're going in terms of what they're interested in and in our ours, weren't the, exactly the same. They were on, sometimes it was like different timelines. So I think especially early on in those first six, six months, it's those developmental cues toys are relatively inexpensive and it's fun to find just that right.

Toy. Yeah. If they're interested in. At the moment and you can predict that, so that's the thing you're going to see what their preferences are and if you go all in on a bunch of toys, Before that then they may just sit there. It just might not be something that they're into.

Paris: Yeah.

Kevin: Plus, if you're getting like an activity center, like the love, every exit you already have like pretty much a baseline of toy, toys and things to interact with and play with right there for the first few months.

Paris: I do think though that something like the lovevery [00:20:00] subscription toy kit for the first year is a good idea to put on your registry because then you're not overwhelmed with toys.

Kevin: When we talk about too one of the best things about the lovevery is not just the. The kit, not just the toys. But it's teaching you how to play with your baby, according to where they are at in their development.

Paris: There also is a book.

I want to say, it's a baby Einstein book that is similar to that, and it gives you different activities that you can do with your baby. For each month.

Kevin: I love that because otherwise, if you've never done it before, like I had points where I would start to do the same things, getting the same patterns, I would start getting bored, playing with them.

They would start getting bored. And then I would go reference the book and I have some more things that I could pull from that they enjoyed that I enjoyed. Which was really awesome.

Budget-Friendly Baby Registry Tips

Kevin: Why was getting the baby registry, so important to you.

Paris: We were having. Two babies. And like I said before, we were on a very tight [00:21:00] budget. And.

I didn't know where we were living. And, but also a big thing is I knew who. Was going to be attending our baby shower. We're just going to be having one baby shower, but I could I knew who was going to be attending it.

And we had just gotten married. So I, Kind of new.

The possibilities of.

People wouldn't necessarily buy something that was like a thousand dollars. That wouldn't fly. However, we're still going to need to a lot of things. So I had to make it. Budget friendly for all of our friends and family who are going to be. Helping us prepare. And then also, the things that we weren't able to, you don't get on from our baby shower. We would also be able to afford it if we had to buy it ourselves.

Kevin: I know you talked about one of the big things being the travel system.

Paris: Yeah, that was a big. Big story source of [00:22:00] stress for me was just knowing that we were going to need. A stroller. Two car seats. And two car seat basis. That's a lot. There wasn't at the time. Nearly as many options as there are now. There's a few more, there's an, I wouldn't say that there's like an abundance of them, but there's more options for twins then there was before. But when we were looking, it was. It was like, There's only a couple options for infant car seats. To fit into a stroller. And those were.

Around, I don't know, 1500 to $2,000. Not including the actual car seats and then the basis for anyone that was coming or ourselves, we would not have been able to do that. Obviously we needed those things though. So I hunted and I hunted. I'm finally came upon the thing that we ended up getting. That was a [00:23:00] travel system that I think it was. Around. $350 to $400 total for the. For the stroller. The two car seats and. The two bases. And that was a game changer, but yeah, I, it was a huge source of stress and I didn't end up finding that for months close to you when the baby shower was about to happen.

It was not my favorite thing, it did the trick.

Kevin: Yeah,

Paris: The car seats. Troller was terrible. Yeah.

Kevin: And the car seats. Now having worked with so many car seats. Yeah, definitely not my favorite, but they. Did the job.

Paris: If you were having twins, just be aware that just because it's a double stroller. Does not mean it can accommodate two infants.

Kevin: That's

Paris: a huge one. That there's an abundance of double strollers. Most of them will fit one infant car seat. And a toddler. So just be [00:24:00] aware.

Navigating Baby Product Research

Kevin: So you had those challenges and then there was really this moment where you started. To understand more about baby products and. To get help from the Reddit community. Find the places to go, that you could go on Tik TOK and social media for some answers. And that really was the turning point.

Let's just talk a little bit about some of the lessons learned from going through that process. And I have here lesson one is research realistically, and that is Pinterest versus real life. Twin moms. Yeah.

So when we went through this, we saw how much influencer marketing was just clouding up the entire space and making it hard for actual parents to research.

That is why we started doing what we were doing. Working for parents. Not working for brands, not. We're not working on their behalf so that we could give that kind of unbiased information.

That wasn't. Promote promoting either. Some. Zealous view on baby care or [00:25:00] product or or some other sort of lifestyle.

Paris: So for me, one of the most. Helpful places was the parents and multiple subreddit on Reddit.

Another place though, that also was very helpful. Just. Understanding babies and baby needs and all the things that babies really actually need and what to use and what to expect from the newborn. The newborn phase and beyond. Was. The. Bumpers group. You haven't read it. There is a group that is. For each month. Essentially of the year, there is a private group. I think they usually go private after the first trimester. But it's all people who are having babies right around the same time as you and I became part of that group.

And I'm still in that group too. It's probably, they can't join it because

Kevin: Time. [00:26:00] Yeah.

Paris: But it's so helpful because it's a first time moms they're second time moms, third time moms, et cetera. People who are having singletons, people who are having. Twins or multiples there's there's fathers in the group.

There's mothers to be in the group. There's, All kinds of people. There's everyone is there. Everyone's a part of it. However, they're having their baby. They're there. Yeah. You can ask questions and and that was just extremely helpful and extremely supportive. And it just really calmed my nerves a little bit, because I knew it wasn't, I wasn't alone.

Kevin: Yeah, that's awesome. So less than one. Research realistically understand the difference between Pinterest influencers that have a viewpoint on behalf of a brand. Maybe folks who are representing some sort of, religious viewpoint, even if it is just being religious about a certain aspect of baby care.

Sometimes these debates just go way over the top.

There is, more [00:27:00] moderate approaches. Less than two budget hex, combining items focusing on essential oils.

Final Tips for Creating a Baby Registry

Kevin: But I will say this. Most of what you find on the internet. Around essentials is garbage. They're essential. Like

Paris: It's not a call it essential. No, it's

Kevin: But what I would look at more when it comes to, what are the basic things that I need?

Obviously, I think some of those are pretty obvious. But.

Don't. Over by uncertain things like there's certain things you need, but you don't need 20 of them like bottles, right? There's certain things you need like clothing, but they're going to be outgrowing them within a matter of a few weeks. There's certain things that you need, but so think about also quantities. In addition to. Just what the item is.

Paris: And then also consider when people are giving you advice. Listen to what they have to say, but sometimes people give advice based on their own. They're baby's own experience. Like their [00:28:00] baby was very colicky.

Kevin: Oh yeah. And so they recommend

Paris: this product. To counteract that your baby might not be colicky.

So it's a good thing to keep in the back of your mind, but maybe don't hop on and buy it. If that's all that. That product does, but keep it in the back of your mind. Don't forget about it. Maybe write it down or put it on a private list, even on your registry, so you don't lose it. But just keep in mind. That might not be your baby.

It's your registry. That you are sharing with your friends and family.

So when you're building your registry, consider them when you're building it. It's not just going into the ether. It's not just, For whoever feels like. Buying something from.

Your Twitter is your friends and family. Those are the people who are purchasing things from it. Yeah. Yeah.

Don't put every single item, be like a thousand dollars. That's just unrealistic.

Kevin: Yeah.

Paris: For most people. That can be realistic.

Kevin: Yeah.

Paris: It's your registry [00:29:00] based on in your life. That you are sharing with your friends and family.

Kevin: That's a good way to put it.

So one of the main things, when it comes to a baby registry, obviously is just persevere. I get through it and get it together. Get the best way that you can in the time that you have


Kevin: in don't. Don't think it has to be perfect if you really need it to be perfect to give us a call. Get help if you need it to be at that level, get help.

Otherwise just do the best you can with what you have.

Paris: One thing you could do is go to and get the baby gear game plan. And that'll help you get through your registry.

The Baby Registry Breakdown Podcast, your ultimate guide to navigating the world of baby gear. Hosted by experienced baby gear consultant, Kevo Scott, this podcast simplifies the process of creating the perfect baby registry. Whether you're a first-time parent or expecting twins, tune in for expert advice, product reviews, and tips on what essentials you truly need. Our goal is to make your baby registry planning stress-free and fun. Subscribe now and ensure you're fully prepared for your little one's arrival.

Baby Registry Breakdown

The Baby Registry Breakdown Podcast, your ultimate guide to navigating the world of baby gear. Hosted by experienced baby gear consultant, Kevo Scott, this podcast simplifies the process of creating the perfect baby registry. Whether you're a first-time parent or expecting twins, tune in for expert advice, product reviews, and tips on what essentials you truly need. Our goal is to make your baby registry planning stress-free and fun. Subscribe now and ensure you're fully prepared for your little one's arrival.

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About Paris and Kevin Scott

We're Paris and Kevin Scott, founders of Pabbot LLC. As parents of twins, we navigated the overwhelming world of baby gear, wishing for unbiased professional guidance. Drawing on our design expertise, we spent two years researching options, talking to parents, and documenting best practices. The result? Pabbot and The Baby Gear Game Plan—a service helping first-time parents find the perfect gear for their family, cutting through marketing noise to deliver personalized, expert advice.

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The Baby Gear Game Plan